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2003/02/21 11:33

토모는 한국말을 공부하고 있습니다.
TOMO at 2003/02/21 11:33コメント()コメントを書く 

2002/11/26 23:52

英語で話したけどseong jinという名前なのでイギリス人じゃないかな^^
てか、seong jinは、イギリスに居るのは確か。でも、何人かな?

seong jin:hi...
TOMO:how r u
seong jin:not bad actually
TOMO:haha, im so fine,but busy^^
seong jin:'ve caught a very very bad cold
TOMO:oh! too bad! i was recovered!
seong jin:am happy 2 hear that
TOMO:yep.^^ this cold is so long and so bad(TT)
TOMO:is --> was
seong jin:yes, it is........
seong jin:almost killing on me now
TOMO:oh, ic.
TOMO:it's a lot of snow,recently in here!

TOMO at 2002/11/26 23:52コメント()コメントを書く 

2002/11/26 23:51

seong jin:really?
seong jin:that's cool,mate
TOMO:yep. too bad for me^^
seong jin:why r u thinking that way
TOMO:so cold, not easy to drive, i dont wanna move a lot of snow,everyday!
seong jin:i guess so..
TOMO:^^ is it not snow in ur place,all season?
seong jin:yes, it is.winter here now is supposed to b a lot of snow, but yet
TOMO:i c.^^ that's sound nice. i hate snow^^
seong jin:do u?
seong jin:not me, mate
TOMO:mmmm... i cant understand,,,sorry.^^
seong jin:i mean, i am fond of snow a bit..
TOMO:oh! ic. thanks!^^
seong jin:no problem
TOMO:Im short of study to English! hehe!
seong jin:why? u r being lazy recently or sth else?
TOMO:??? bad my English.^^
seong jin:noo..
seong jin: i mean , it looked like u've got some reason not to learn english recently
TOMO:ic ic.^^
TOMO:im busy to study Korean and another Univercity's subject!
seong jin:ic.. .

TOMO at 2002/11/26 23:51コメント()コメントを書く 

2002/11/26 23:51

TOMO:so i cant study English, recentry^^
TOMO:hehe, so i was suprised that u called me.
seong jin:were u?
TOMO:'oh! i cant use English!' i thimk! ^^ hehe
seong jin:of course, u can
TOMO:^^ thanks! Everytime English chat is too good study for me.
seong jin:sure,,,,
seong jin:it'll bright a lot of stuffs for u,wont it?
TOMO:yep. all is be for me.^^
seong jin:of course...
TOMO:sorry i must go out. 'cause study for Exsam at Dec.2nd,
seong jin:ic. never mind..
seong jin:wish u good luck,mate
seong jin:keep my fingers crossed
seong jin:all the times.
TOMO:ok. c u later.and thanks for call me, today!
seong jin:c u soon. take care
seong jin:bye bye
TOMO at 2002/11/26 23:51コメント()コメントを書く 

2002/11/09 11:35



訳した文はちはるみたいな中3生は訳せないとものすごい困るですね(笑 文法も1年〜2年前半ぐらいのものだし、習った単語がちょうどでていたりしたので訳してみたよ☆他の文は中3でも習ってない文法とか単語がいっぱいあったので・・(-_-;)無理でした
ちはる at 2002/11/09 11:35コメント()コメントを書く 

2002/11/09 02:00

Nice to meet you. I'm red.

How about using more "I"s than using "it"s as the subect?
I think it helps you to state what you want to say more clearly.

Here's one example...

"Because I don't speak English thesedays, my conversation skill has become pretty bad. I want to study English again. I could easily speak English when I was learning it. I want to study more and flowingly speak English once again."

p.s. I gotta translator behind me today, so this article isn't really my work... :-)
red at 2002/11/09 02:00コメント()コメントを書く 

2002/11/02 09:19

HI! how are u!
It's snow,today. so cold for me. Buru buru...(TT)
Is Michiko college student of Douko-Univ.?
I had seen ur web site,hehe!

so so, I suggest u about...
"Recently" or "Soon" are put on last of sentence I think.
and it's more cool English, maybe. hehe.

C u ~~
TOMO at 2002/11/02 09:19コメント()コメントを書く 

2002/10/30 14:34

Recently, because English conversation isn't being done, English can't be caught any more.
Soon, it thinks that it will begin to learn English conversation.
When English conversation was being learned, it was easy to talk in English.

I study more, and want to learn to speak English again.

Does this sentence have a strange point?
For example 、”この言い方は、あまり遣わない”とか”この言い方のほうがいいよ”など。(←日本語にしちゃいました・・・)


みちこ at 2002/10/30 14:34コメント()コメントを書く 

2002/10/29 11:52

Welcome to this channel^^
English or another languages are grate tools to communicate foreigner I think.
Let's study them with me. hehe^^
TOMO at 2002/10/29 11:52コメント()コメントを書く 

2002/10/29 07:14

Hi!I liked English very much, too, and anxious, and came.
It hopes well.
Do you really lead with this?
みちこ at 2002/10/29 07:14コメント()コメントを書く 

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開設日: 2001年06月19日
運営: TOMO
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